Category: Testimonials

“High learning experience” Andrew, Vimto
“The reason I would recommend working with Incredible Thinkers is that the team really challenge and stretch you to achieve better results. They tailored the programme to suit my objectives

Case Study: Egencia
Egencia are a forward thinking and innovative business that have truly embraced Incredible Thinking. They describe their business as “Business travel for the Expedia generation. Through innovation and insight, we’re

Case Study: Associated Independent Stores (AIS)
Associated Independent Stores is the largest independent non-food buying group of its kind in the UK and Ireland. What we did… We have worked with AIS in the West Midlands

Spotlight: Katy Stephens, Vimto
Katy joined Vimto early in 2016, and in 2017 we met with Katy and her team. She was one of a group of managers at Vimto who were at the

Case Study: Innovating with Fuel Card Services
With new leadership comes new challenges and often the opportunity for change. When Chris Bradley joined Fuel Card Services as the new Group Head of Sales, he was impressed with